bottle of Wild Turkey
revolver in a drawer fan ceiling shutters cigar butt trench coat on a hanger and letter from bailiff Mandatory woman class confident step dłuuugich legs sunglasses low on his nose assessing gaze. must always be beautiful mysterious and in the hat. and so ultimately proves to be a whore.
U Krystyna U Krystyna everything was clear. Sure it cost 2.50 and 0.50 cents Lighty after each. It was clear from Belarus, the Ukraine and Lighty. Bright as the August night, no? But no one complained, in particular, that the vodka in the other melinach can cost lives, au Christina - Believe! - Consistently 14 Polish new. She was sold in bottles stoppered Tymbark newspaper, that's why the longer story. Everyone knew Christine, everyone respected, knows where it is? what is it? and for how much? - fucking Christmas. - Beki Zdzichu grunted, stroking in after wydętym stomach. - fucking ... - repeated after Zdzich Dzidek casually. It gave the impression that it cost it is a whole day's energy. - a lady, Mrs. Krysiu, or anti-Christmas? Chris just finished filling a mug with the bat and the uprooting eyes, put it in front of them on the counter with such force that it amazes me that they do not burst into the base. - well, you already well kierowniczko! - Zdzichu waved apologetically to the top of the wrist Krystyna wiping foam from the left eye and turned back. - above shit like your ass is - professorial tone, he whispered, wiping the jednorazówką top Dzidka. - above shits ... - suddenly stopped in mid August if sluggishly, realizing what and to whom intend to repeat ... - no, no, no ... - muttered, looking apologetically in the direction of Christine behind the bar ... - what is it you popuściła cracks? - cried the whole room. He was drunk. Sober in my life would come as no answer. August Krystyna was afraid - like all the rest - because in the end she managed the notebook rozłożeń paid in installments. Dzidek for a long time along the entire clientele was staring at him, eyes a la Eastwood. Everything went quiet. Zdzich grabbed a beer and walked toward the table, wanting to sit down at the last unoccupied. Did not have time, earned the Central Fang and expounded in August as long on the floor, counting the stars. Kicked out "jointly". After a moment he returned from czerwieniącym slowly the eye and shouted something unintelligible at the door. Flew from snout upholstered even more - as in "300" Miller - army ready at the flick of a finger bend. In this case, even without a nod. The funniest thing that could be any of them, do not bother them, however, throw it again the accompaniment of an implied acclamation. Chris however had it all in the ass. At least pretend. Did not even look. After five minutes, everything has a similar pattern. hung above the door bell. In those days was practically non-free. Every now and then consisted of "players" and then immediate and next up, others went regularly drop lingering urine into the surrounding balconies. Air circulation was unwavering, in the middle did not have time to even meet. It was still cold. The room warmed only leaks, gas stove, which stench, after several minutes przesiąkało whole garment. Stench, which has not always wanted to go down after the first wash. Roman came in and actually fill them this place. It was powerful. Dressed in a plaid jacket with a sheepskin collar and a cap with ear flaps. It looked like a lumberjack from Alaska. Jacket stressed crêped physique and broad shoulders, and gloves too big, visually lengthen his hands to his knees, giving him a grotesque monkey figure. What was an extremely pucułowate najcharakterystyczniejsze cheeks - as if the whole time he had a mouth full kluchów - by which we all shouted at him Corleone. fingers Since the entry shows that the two orders, Christine always makes sure, when it is already at the bar, because the Roman 15 years and worked for a local sawmill, in truth, he had already mentioned earlier only those two fingers. Thumb and affectionate, with a fresh suit on the wedding ring is removed. - two so? - uhmm - / Uhmm what was the most rain here. Przebijało the mountain, even the classic "whore." "Again?" - "Uhmm." "It's the same thing?" - "Uhmm." "Whore let it go again?" - "Uhmm." "In the book?" - "Uhmm" ... Ok, here you had to be profitable. Not everyone could just uhmmować against Christina. / Christine odkapslowała bottle and placed on a napkin in front of him. Do not have time to put the second and the last which was at first was the foam, which wiped sleeve paragraph. - as holidays in Corleone? - she asked with genuine concern. It was one of the few people who liked. Roman did not know specifically what to say ticked hand wheel in the air and puffed out his cheeks helplessly, highlighting them even more / if this was even possible / - as Christmas ... - corresponding to the end - color - he added, after a transflective out that it might sound too for fuck - my already drunk before Christmas Eve, half broke pledges on the table setting ... I thought the fucker choke ... how color is probably a good thing ... - not quite - rubbed cold cheeks, przysuwając toward the stove - returning from work. classically. green, yellow, red, and then you just blue. - much? - less than a thousand of ... - replied, holding his fist coming bek beer. Chris patted him sympathetically on the shoulder and left continue to pour. already gathered a large queue, minus just a penny from the penny. It was evident that a lot of them are missing - Wladek! - said one of them - Do so that was good! - and pushed one of them in the right direction expectant padnących words Christine behind the bar. Sure, it is best as well. table in the shade, near the dust collector fikus is always busy. Usually, by Mariana, reversed all their backs. Marian ajkejej Trash-Men. The only thing he hated it pastwienia over fumes from the bottom. He was able to repeat it several times during the day. He was a bore, nobody liked him ... I think that his mother had just received a pension. I approached the counter. From his pocket, he managed to squeeze out almost all the beer. Very little was missing. - Antek 40 cents. - turned pleading voice. - fuck - Antek he stopped and turned back to the bar - Romus - here already without much hope. - pour it - Roman said, looking at boobs Kristina. - you save my life - gasped, almost weeping with emotion - I am in your debt. - but take it and fuck - added Roman, when he saw how this began rozsiadać next to him. They all had some basic instincts. Sensed when someone was in the hay, as a bleeding prey, literally - like sharks with blood. - motherfuckers ... - Corleone sighed ... when I looked down at his black eye in the mirror behind the bar. His face was rough, however, than the voice - reminiscent of sandpaper. Everyone sucks. Not otherwise. Tivi gave the message. Chris conquered the sound. After menelni broadened humming sounds and a single around-verbal protest. On the screen appeared the next politician, with a red face and lively vein in the neck. Christine liked to know "What happens in the great the world? "watching the evening news and read newspapers dug by Marian in rubbish. As the only one here voted. As the only knew what it impiczment and cohabitation, but her life differed little from the life outside that anyone who has ever odkapslowała or from time to time in addition enriched beer. Krystyna Because everything was clear, but when she came home at night there was not already such.
then probably ensure that the necessary beer and left. Policies - you see - I hate more than whores.
_____________ "Do not Try."