Thursday, May 13, 2010

God Heals Spinal Stenosis

I would write that they would soon throw more self-portraits but I do not hold off a "soon" have already died here and lived to see the implementation is not so - how will it be:]

Friday, May 7, 2010

How To Say On The Beach In Russian

pictures do, but no-shows. Still going on arrears: /
following zombie-session with Piotrek Martines and Asia and of course the irreplaceable Wizażyną Kate, who prepared the form mordek characterization.

take this opportunity to taaadaaam: wylansuję page Kasi, she recommends the Kotra their services

also using the same occasion, I shall pay attention to refresh my site, where, and I recommend to the services in graphic design and print advertising:
If you or one of your friends need a logo design, flyers, business cards, posters - wal like smoke:)


hat is my contribution to the style: D

Well, some waste: D

taken by Barry :]