Ladies and Gentlemen!
I heartily thank all voters for taking part on 07 June 2009 European elections, particularly I would like to thank those who have placed their trust in me by supporting my candidacy - unfortunately number of votes cast was too modest to get my mandate as Member of Parliament.
I want to assure that the trust you have placed in me for me mobilization and encouragement to work even better for our city and region.
congratulate and wish them elected his term of office for Members of Parliament in accordance with the interests of Poland and Polish people.
Staying with respect
Paul Kowszyński
Sunday, June 28, 2009
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am in favor of freedom of expression consistent with the Christian system of values \u200b\u200b
Today views on marriage, family, sexual ethics and human life incompatible with the Christian vision of man may be given in the forum of the EU institutions without any obstacles, and projects to promote such views are by these institutions even encouraged, which in my opinion, there is no justification in the light of the objectives Union - says Paul Kowszyński, a candidate for Parliament from a list of PiS in conversation with Caroline mucus.
What are the major powers of the European Parliament?
European Parliament participates in the creation of law through consultation, cooperation, co-decision and approval, approve the annual budget and provide the Commission with respect to its performance, approves the composition of the Commission and its President, and has control mechanisms, has the right to a motion of censure against the Commission, has the right to ask questions Commissioners and with the usual opportunity to ask questions to the Council. However, please note that some of Parliament's powers will be changed after the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon. Parliament is the body with the same legislative powers as the Council in areas which still does not have those powers, such as agricultural policy, the budgetary process and justice and home affairs.
We know that candidates for Parliament in elections usually start in the colors of any of the parties existing in your country, but after entering Parliament to join one of the political groups operating officially in Parliament or remain independent. Or - possibly after winning the election - will join the Lord, of either faction? If so, to whom and why to this?
Join Group Union for Europe of the Nations - Union for Europe of the Nations. Because the fraction of states that are closest to me. I support the freedom to proclaim in the European Union views the system compatible with Christian values \u200b\u200band teachings of the Catholic Church. Current opinion in matters of marriage, family, sexual ethics and human life incompatible with the Christian vision of man may be given in the forum of the EU institutions without any obstacles, and projects to promote such views are by these institutions even encouraged, which in my opinion, there is no justification in the light of Union's objectives. With a similar freedom does not enjoy the preaching of views consistent with Church teaching. EU institutions not only support their promotion, but rather tend to their stigmatization and censorship - which is inconsistent with my views and values \u200b\u200bthe more that the Union for this purpose was established.
Why you start in the European Parliament elections?
Because most of the Polish passed in the EU institutions. Currently, Polish law about 65-75% of the law, it is EU law. Personally, I absolutely am in favor of maintaining in the Polish legal supremacy of the Constitution of the Republic of primary and derived the law of the European Union. Since there is no and will not be a nation European, which will, one can refer to by means of elections or a referendum is needed to work out such-making mechanisms at EU level decisions on important issues that will provide greater impact for all citizens of the Member States through mechanisms at funkcjonujących nation-states.
Please tell me why I should vote elblążanie the Lord?
It is important to elblążanie voted for someone from our region, someone who knows the ills, and the reality of everyday life Elblag. It is important that we elblążanie had his voice, so I really encourage you to vote for elblążanina - that's what will be our voice in Parliament.
lo: web site of 2009, address, 14694, Paul-Kowszynski-tell-Aug-for-freedom-views -line-of-Kosciolem.html
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Alliance for HRD
Thanks to the efforts of the Regional President of Elbląg Youth Forum in Elblag signed an agreement for the Development of Human Resources as a result of which can prevent unemployment.
29 October 2004, representatives from high schools, local government, the District Labour Office, training institutions and representatives of NGOs from the city of Elblag, signed an agreement which will result in the labor market monitoring and quick response to its movements.
agreement stipulates the establishment of three panels composed of representatives of institutions involved in the project. Each team will coordinate one area. The first will monitor the fate of the labor market and vocational graduates, the second acquisition of structural modification of the educational and retraining of professional staff colleges and training institutes so as to respond to labor market demand. The third team will develop and transmit requests for shortage and surplus that may cause an increase in unemployment, but will indicate which courses and training should be introduced or withdrawn.
First of all, create prevention programs, unemployment, and not its effects. By learning to control the directions in education and retraining those who are without a job, we can reduce or partially eliminate unemployment - says Paul Kowszyński, chairman of the Regional Elbląg FM.
anticipating the effects of ongoing or entering the fields of education with many years ahead, after a few years it turned out that we have too many educated professionals in fields where there is no demand. It is these people, a highly specialized today remain unemployed.
each specialist education costs a lot and pay off when there is demand for his services. When
offices work are insufficient in the fight against unemployment only becomes an indispensable mechanism for thoughtful management of education, who will then have an effect. Such mechanisms use a highly specialized countries, inter alia, Sweden, Norway, and Finland.
agreement which was signed in Elblag is a sound basis for modifying the secondary education system becomes adapted to the current and, consequently, the future labor market conditions.
Agreement sets out concrete solutions are the basis for the fight against unemployment and the use of terms, which we received after the accession. The use of European funds by schools and training establishments of the Structural Funds Programmes HRD in Action 1 and 2 is the foundation for creating a consistent and fully predictable policy of preventing unemployment - explains Paul Kowszyński.
Source: website of 2004, the address
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"there will be no European nation "
European Parliament elections literally a few days - on June 7. Using a random way on one street in the center of Elblag met the candidate, so decided to interview and find out what knowledge the candidate has lived and candidate for Parliament from Elbląg.
elblag24 - Good morning. You are a candidate for Parliament, and you live in Elblag. If I use the occasion of the meeting, could you answer a few questions? Please tell me what are the basic objectives of the European Union?
Kowszyński Paul - When we talk about the Union's fundamental objectives should be presented in the factual, chronological, which is in the treaties, and especially in the new Treaty of Lisbon. According to the provisions of the Treaties Union's objectives include promoting the economic and social progress by enhancing economic cooperation and removing barriers to trade between Member States, strengthening the image of the Union as a political body speaking with one voice in the international arena by pursuing a common foreign policy, striving to create a European citizenship and a sense of belonging to one community of ordinary citizens by providing the same rules of law and full freedom of movement of people within the Union, an area of \u200b\u200bfreedom, security and fair treatment, which is to be the EU through introduction of common standards for legal, social, and continuous improvement of living standards of poorer countries, harmonizing the economic structure of member countries, the balance of regional economic development, increase living standards of citizens of the European Union.
Will enhance cooperation and strengthen the image of the Union and the desire to create a single universal Union citizenship does not attempt to erase the sovereignty of individual Member States?
you do not renounce their sovereignty, and only transmit the power exercise of sovereignty supranational bodies. Permissions European Communities with regard to their Member States do not cause loss of sovereignty by the state. Community is used to implement wzmacniania sovereignty of Member States and implementing their policies by the opportunity to participate in the decision process and the possibility of pushing their goals and interests to the entire EU, including by small states, thereby increasing the role, position and prestige of each Member State in the international arena. The position that the Union is moving away from consensus and even the consensus is wrong. But it is worth noting that it is represented country in the European Parliament laying down the position of the Union, so it is important who will represent us in Parliament. Some arrangements in matters covered by a qualified majority vote, may collapse, despite clear opposition of a Member State. Union authorities do not show the full representation of citizens and nations of the EU. On one hand, small countries are over-represented in Parliament and EU Council, on the other hand, since the entry into force of the Lisbon Tract, some small countries will lose their representation in the European Commission. This loss, however, fortunately, does not apply to Polish.
candidate LORD European Parliament, so if you know what the procedure of adoption of the budget and the budget of the European Union itself?
Entry into force of the Treaty establishing a Single Council and a Single Commission of the European Community has led to a combination of administrative budgets and the budget for research and investment. Since 2002, only works to the general budget of the Communities. The financial perspective adopted by Parliament in 2006 for the period 2007-2013 amounts to 864.3 billion. Of which about 35% of the subsidies for farmers and food prices 301 billion, 30% support for poor regions of 264 billion euros 10% for rural development 89 billion, the study 8%, 7% of industrial modernization, aid to developing regions to 5%, assistance to the States 5, aid to neighboring countries 2%, assistance to candidate 2% 1% public safety . In addition, the level was lowered income tax rate from 0.5% to 0.3%, which is forwarded to the EU budget.
A procedure for adopting the EU budget?
main bodies involved in its formation, implementation and monitoring of the European Commission, Council of the European Union, the European Parliament and the Court of Auditors. Preliminary draft budget shall be made by the European Commission on the basis of estimates of expenditure. Shall submit a prepared statement to the Council. The Council has the right to introduce amendments skonsultowanych with the Commission, and adopt the draft budget and submit it to Parliament. Expression of the EP within 45 days of approval for the project is tantamount to the adoption of the budget. Parliament may also propose amendments, which will return the draft to further work on the so-called. second reading. It can accept or reject the amendment and sets out mandatory spending. After establishing the Parliament is entitled only to the correct level of spending non-mandatory texts, then President of the EP passing the budget states. Parliament has the opportunity to request submission of a new project, resulting in simultaneous introduction of Community financing, in which the time of the adoption of the new budget spending in each succeeding month may not exceed the limit of 1 / 12 of total expenditure last financial year. At the end of year statement on its implementation to be presented to the Parliament and the Council of the European Commission. At the same time the annual report adopted by the Court of Auditors. Before giving a discharge to the Commission, Parliament has the right to request additional information.
Parliament creates a law that is binding in Poland. Does the European Parliament not too much focus on the internal regulations?
Well. Most provisions enacted in the Polish Parliament. Currently, Polish law about 65-75% of the law, it is EU law enacted by Parliament, and later adapted to our reality. It is important that our representatives in the European Parliament had its mandate wisely and created a right in line with our reality and not vice versa. Personally, I absolutely am in favor of maintaining in the Polish legal supremacy of the Constitution of the Republic of primary and derived the law of the European Union. I support the retention of the state in which the functioning of the EU is based on the voluntary transfer by the Member States of their sovereign powers to the EU as an international organization. The transfer of powers to the Union is justified insofar and only insofar as the joint implementation of certain functions to give greater benefits to all. You can not lose sight of the issue of transparency and democratic legitimacy of decisions made in the institutions of the Union. Since there is no and will not be a European nation, to which the will could be appealed through the election or referendum is needed to develop such mechanisms at EU level to take decisions on important matters that will ensure a greater impact for all citizens of the Member States through mechanisms at the level of nation states. In my opinion, the current state of European integration is characterized by hypertrophy of EU regulations in areas which, without prejudice to modernity and development can be better to leave nation states, while too low a level of the Community elements in cases where a common policy would certainly all members of the value. Such matters are questions of policy in matters of military security and defense and energy security. Here, a higher degree of integration is even desirable. Interlayers with EU regulations we are dealing especially in many matters concerning the economy. I consider it necessary to strictly respect the principle of subsidiarity in the assessment of both the existing EU legislation and draft new legislation. Under this rule, which belongs to the basic canons of the Union's constitution on the EU level can only be taken such action, which transfers at this level allows for greater efficiency and effectiveness. In matters of energy security, our representatives in Parliament should absolutely insist on translating the specifics of the Treaty of Lisbon on the European energy solidarity, so that it does not remain an empty declaration.
Thank you.
I also thank you and strongly encourage you to participate in the elections.
Source: website of 2009, address, nie_bedzie_istniec_narod_europejski, 21633,0,2,0.
Perception Kiwi Kayak
Case Elblag affiliation to a new administrative division of the country.
At the last meeting of Assembly of Warmia and Mazury Voivodship council passed a resolution, which is a desperate attempt to maintain as the capital of the province of Olsztyn and the board of the regional council in its present form is not counting the inalienable right of local communities to defend the identity, cultural and historical links with Pomerania elblążan .
I would like to point out that on 10 October 1999 local referendum was held, attended by 44.7% of voters - 98.7% in favor of membership in Elblag to Pomerania.
objective conditions and opportunities for development are the most appropriate recognition of the problem of belonging within the limits of any Elblag province. It's against this background, we can reflect on what the administrative structure should work. There is no doubt that operators are better organized in the network connections within a single province. An important argument for membership in Elblag is a community of interests in the process of economic stimulation. Elblag, Poland has always belonged to a group called. Gulf of Gdansk and Żuławy just created a separate division of the administrative structure. Today's experience shows that the distribution of the Lagoon and Żuławy, which accounted for a consistent complex is a misunderstanding. No management practices are not confirmed, so to split the structure functioned properly.
I think that whole area, what are the Vistula Lagoon Żuławy and should enter into a single management structure. Elblag, together with its sub-region can pursue opportunities in the province of Pomerania, a region or metropolitan Tri-self that existed before the administrative division.
Dear considering the substantive arguments and opinions of residents of Elblag in favor of further work on the possibility of administrative changes, and our actions are not dictated by immediate political game, but due to the inherent right to defend the identity of the inhabitants of Elblag and the subregion.
also confirm that I was not a signatory to the resolution of the Parliament of the Province of Warmia and Mazury, which perpetuates the status Elblag Warmia and Mazury.
Paul Andrew Kowszyński
Source: website of 2005, address, 4065, Statement-Paul-Kowszynskiego.html
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Civil Society Support Uwłaszczeniowego.
express their conviction that Mr. Paul will be worthily represented Kowszyński residents and the region Elbląg Elbląg, and defended the interests of Poland and Polish people, with common sense and respect for history.
Enfranchisement is a subject that until now met with disdain. Fortunately, however, widespread indifference to the need to deal ownership goes slowly into the past, but the question of regulating the so-called privatization. Recovered Territories was never even a positive solution to a need to know that many Germans have legal title to abandoned property in the form of a documented property rights specified in the registers after 1945 exported from the territory of the Republic.
Despite the adoption by the Parliament of the relevant laws so a lot remains to be done ... Therefore, the Civic Association supports the enfranchisement of Law and Justice candidate, Mr Paul Kowszyńskiego in elections to the Sejm ordered for 21 October 2007. It is worth trusting educated and socially active people, especially those who engage in the development of the young generation of Poles and demonstrated their activities that are worthy of holding public office.
express their conviction that Mr. Paul will be worthily represented Kowszyński residents and the region Elbląg Elbląg, and defended the interests of Poland and Polish people, with common sense and respect for history.
Civic Association President Uwłaszczeniowego
/ - / Witold Lada
Source: website in 2007, the address
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