Sunday, June 28, 2009

Gold Zoo York Tech Deck#

am in favor of freedom of expression consistent with the Christian system of values \u200b\u200b

Today views on marriage, family, sexual ethics and human life incompatible with the Christian vision of man may be given in the forum of the EU institutions without any obstacles, and projects to promote such views are by these institutions even encouraged, which in my opinion, there is no justification in the light of the objectives Union - says Paul Kowszyński, a candidate for Parliament from a list of PiS in conversation with Caroline mucus.

What are the major powers of the European Parliament?

European Parliament participates in the creation of law through consultation, cooperation, co-decision and approval, approve the annual budget and provide the Commission with respect to its performance, approves the composition of the Commission and its President, and has control mechanisms, has the right to a motion of censure against the Commission, has the right to ask questions Commissioners and with the usual opportunity to ask questions to the Council. However, please note that some of Parliament's powers will be changed after the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon. Parliament is the body with the same legislative powers as the Council in areas which still does not have those powers, such as agricultural policy, the budgetary process and justice and home affairs.

We know that candidates for Parliament in elections usually start in the colors of any of the parties existing in your country, but after entering Parliament to join one of the political groups operating officially in Parliament or remain independent. Or - possibly after winning the election - will join the Lord, of either faction? If so, to whom and why to this?

Join Group Union for Europe of the Nations - Union for Europe of the Nations. Because the fraction of states that are closest to me. I support the freedom to proclaim in the European Union views the system compatible with Christian values \u200b\u200band teachings of the Catholic Church. Current opinion in matters of marriage, family, sexual ethics and human life incompatible with the Christian vision of man may be given in the forum of the EU institutions without any obstacles, and projects to promote such views are by these institutions even encouraged, which in my opinion, there is no justification in the light of Union's objectives. With a similar freedom does not enjoy the preaching of views consistent with Church teaching. EU institutions not only support their promotion, but rather tend to their stigmatization and censorship - which is inconsistent with my views and values \u200b\u200bthe more that the Union for this purpose was established.

Why you start in the European Parliament elections?

Because most of the Polish passed in the EU institutions. Currently, Polish law about 65-75% of the law, it is EU law. Personally, I absolutely am in favor of maintaining in the Polish legal supremacy of the Constitution of the Republic of primary and derived the law of the European Union. Since there is no and will not be a nation European, which will, one can refer to by means of elections or a referendum is needed to work out such-making mechanisms at EU level decisions on important issues that will provide greater impact for all citizens of the Member States through mechanisms at funkcjonujących nation-states.

Please tell me why I should vote elblążanie the Lord?

It is important to elblążanie voted for someone from our region, someone who knows the ills, and the reality of everyday life Elblag. It is important that we elblążanie had his voice, so I really encourage you to vote for elblążanina - that's what will be our voice in Parliament.

lo: web site of 2009, address, 14694, Paul-Kowszynski-tell-Aug-for-freedom-views -line-of-Kosciolem.html


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