Saturday, October 17, 2009

Island Kitchen Blueprints

Shore ... and then he gave the world offer as SuperSam

I do not smoke. Tobacco has a taste of yesterday, and yesterday I did not work out. Over my head to start from scratch. Cut off the. I'm somewhere in the middle, between "this is not the way", and "as I told you so." Apparently, I have always had a straw enthusiasm, but I can tell u how Nicolson Kesey, at least I tried. I did it my way too Frank! You know. Today is the ballast. Just as nostalgia. Yesterday is the shadow of today, as in this piece of Madlib. Yes. Autumns become too ... simply too. There are some sentences that you will never tell. Until recently, also had such a sentence. Today it say shyly: "I'm like everyone else."
Yesterday's seem so far away in general.


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