Thursday, October 21, 2010

Gays And Public Toilets

Although treatment ślubniaków fly at full speed, I have to present a little relief, to catch your breath - a report from the archive of Maya baptism - daughter of old friends and Kamil Agi. Although Kamil promised me that I am their family photographer "Daniel - you do everything with us - baptisms, weddings and funerals," it am delighted that once again they could take pictures. Here is part of the dedication, you got me:

Although she still unconscious, in the water around the glittering rings, I hope that in a few years, these few pictures will have meaning for her.
Certainly going to make fun of what they wore funny clothes, "then" Her old;)

recommend click on the images to display at this size it should.

Remember you can hire me to photograph events, Tel: 512-39-70-40


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