Tuesday, May 31, 2011

Electro Song With Name

Szulamitka and falling in love Love in Practice

Song of Solomon is saying a brief dialogue between a bridegroom and bride. According to tradition, it is attributed to Solomon, and a Szulamitce ( Song 7:1). I got interested in the attitude of a future husband. Well, he, as a single man, not looking for love, not pushing for the marriage or relationship on the strength, but is waiting for his time when he meets the only one:
"I charge you, O daughters of Jerusalem, why should wake up from sleep on what to awaken the beloved, until he wants alone? " (Song 8:4 )
is I think from a Christian point of view of attitude as the most appropriate. Today, from the perspective of a young man, nice to have a girlfriend / boyfriend. This is due to the incredible pleasure and satisfaction. Today, the compound "walking" with each other is very often synonymous with sex, which lets face it, turns us all. If it was disgusting porn industry is an industry, not zarabiałby billion dollars annually. And how does the second half, maybe a wife it will not be in the future, but the erotic sensations first class. Well, like it is not so? Sure, not everyone thought so, fortunately, but the vast majority already so, so do not be's face. Of course, it is also an emotional aspect, not everyone is erotomaniac, and just wants to have a boyfriend / girlfriend to snuggle up and talk and just have a nice time. The reasons vary, but usually end up on one thing: finding a partner on the stubborn.

should not be so. I understand it all, I also once had on the pressure, now I do not have and do not look at things like that. God expects us that we trust him that he entrust our affairs, our life. Choice of partner should not be at our discretion only God, so why to him it does not pay? I understand that sometimes the answer we will wait, and no patient has to be terribly frustrating, but God is the one that says how to be and when it should be. And if you do not give us this desired partner, that is to say that it is not ripe for a lasting relationship and a few more things we need to learn. We have some things to sort out in my head. All time must persevere in prayer, read Scripture, where there are "guidelines" regarding marriage and teach them. It is not worth looking at others that have a super girl, super cars and homes, but do not copy the pattern of this world, because a big house and expensive car is a thing that everyone without exception to happy. My first (especially the Mercedes S-class, house 300m2 with garden of 1 ha.) But this is not an end in itself in my life, and for the people of the world's wealth and szpan takowymi are
"Happy is the man who walks not in the counsel of the wicked, not the way of sinners and sit in the seat of scoffers, But his delight is in the law of the Lord, the His law he meditates day and night " (Ps 1:1-2 )
Marriage is not just a sex experience is the recognition, support, conversation and, above all, love. It is this and other matters to trust God. We promise that there remain ourselves and if we ask God for a husband / wife, then surely we will not be for our God 'exposed to the wind'.

Sex is a form of conjugal love, therefore, whether Christian or not girls should be withheld from those 'excesses' of marriage. Yes, I know it sounds kuriozalnie, but I believe it, that God's requirement in this regard from the first moments of humanity was the same and not changing?

Monday, May 30, 2011

Non-irriating Deodorant For Beginner

Please to meet you.

I like dirt under your fingernail, from the beginning with you. I wrote what najmnej half of your dialogues. Drew roughly the same words your face. Others' paths carved her tears.
know? At any moment I could take you all, but I knew that to get rid of it, bringing me in the teeth.
is an element of fun.
you held my logo on the banner of the same at the time of the Punic Wars, as well as during local skirmishes in the Falklands. Przelewałeś in the name of the red blood that flooded a third of the world. Red for red. It's always been my favorite color, as well as from the beginning of the vanity was my favorite sin. I killed Martin Luther King and Sharon Tate. Finished Lennon, Marilyn, and Laura Palmer before stealing his soul.
I'm the one who brings wealth and exquisite taste.
Please to meet you.
Hope you guess my name.
(Woo Woo)

The Rolling Stones - [Beggars Banquet # 01] Sympathy for the Devil

Suit Color For Dark Greyshirt

Bible teaches that Christians should be guided by love, since it has great power. Many say it's for God and God expects His servants (ie Christians), it will kierować.To just love identifies us as followers of Christ and foremost as servants of God:
"Beloved, let us love one another because love is from God, and everyone who loves is born of God and knows God " (1 John 4:7 )
" By this shall all men know that ye are my disciples, if you love one another " (Jn 13:35 )
simple practical test (for some of you are well-known). The following excerpt defines love. Instead of the word 'love' entreaty his name. Then use binary numbers to determine the veracity of the so created ideas. For the record: 0 - not true, 1 - true.

Love is patient, love is kind.
Love does not envy, does not boast, is not lifted up with pride;
not allowed to not insist on his own, is not easily anger, not resentful ;
does not rejoice in wrongdoing, but rejoices with the truth.
It always protects, always trusts, always hopes, always perseveres "
(1 Corinthians 13:4-7 )

came to me 'zero' ...

"whoever keeps his word, in him truly love for God is great" (1 John 2:5 )