"He sat down opposite the treasury and observed how the crowd put money into the treasury. Many rich wrzucało a lot. Also came a poor widow and she threw in two small coins worth a few cents. And he called his disciples and saith unto them, Verily I say unto you, this poor widow has put more than all the contributors to the treasury. They have all of this, their abundance, but she, from her poverty has put in everything she had, her whole livelihood " ( Mr. 12:41-44)
History speaks of devotion to God, but does not read from the only pressure on finances. Is God a materialist and he cares only for our money? "Is God up so small-minded that our faith and devotion to him, expressed only by mammon? Let's not scenes! History teaches us about sacrifice, of devotion, to resign "from his" in favor of devotion to God. God, it can be in some way to give glory in this way - there is no doubt, to devote our resources to a worthy cause, or the development of our churches, etc.. But more important to God is, in my opinion, our hearts and that it is committed to God and not "Sigismund I the Old" ...
Man is material and mean materially. How do we give someone a gift that we want it to be the most impressive, as expensive as most original, as in default, we want a particular thing or win the favor of someone, or express our attitude to the other side. So our emotions / feelings you want to dress in a material thing. Thus, the more expensive gift so much the better - logical. For God's sake, therefore, probably also have to offer "more expensive" gifts, big donations, because the more the better. You gave to God 100 zł? What is your faith to the one who gave to God 1 000 000 zł? Man could so you think that the more the better (more efficiently), but God is not, God does not think like a man:
"For my thoughts are not your thoughts, neither are your ways my ways - says the Lord" ( Isaiah 55:8 )
So if you read the Word of God should always look at them, not as a book with the wise advice of a wise man, but you should look at it as the Word of God, spoken by himself, the Supreme, the Eternal God Human - The word that was written. The word that despite its wiekowości, is still valid. Word from God, so the word perfect, and not subject to any discussion (as to the authenticity, relevance). Therefore, you should look at a topic from the divine point of view - if at all possible. First of all, we recall the record, which is constantly quoted on this blog:
"But the Lord said to Samuel: Do not heed or its appearance, or on high growth, because I have rejected him, not just because a person sees, for man looks at what is visible to the eye, but the Lord looks on the heart " (1 Samuel 16:7 )
concludes not anything else but that God the gift (ie the thing in itself) are considered for the secondary, primary to God's intentions are (ATTENTION! Key word). A little bit here wyrokuje, and seemed to go from the power of God, but this bold proposal is based on the Word of God:
"A willingness to recognize not according to what is not, but according to what one has " (2 Corinthians 8:12 )
In the original Greek word is translated to 'readiness' and' a willing will '. A willing desire is crucial, since it is important that what gives, but what are they pursued this intent.
"Each one must do just as he has purposed in his heart, not reluctantly or under compulsion, feeling, for God loves a cheerful giver" (2 Corinthians 9:7 )
'Radosnego' other 'willing'. So surely the gift made out of necessity will not have the endorsement of God as a gift made with joy. Are more valuable than money 'times and seasons' - in my opinion. For more valuable than the gift of God financial gift may be composed of the hours they devote to God to get to know His Word, for prayer, at the joint meeting in the church. All this is done willingly, with their own free will, not by compulsion and 'learned' obligation.
Jesus saw the widow sacrifice, because it was her gift of the willing. Considered it a good thing to have to give everything to God. It is natural that God so sincere intention to see and appreciate such an attitude: an attitude of sincerity and humility. Confronted with the donations the rich, it is the widow earned the favor of God, but from an economic point of view, the money was not meant much. With such a procedure is also related to build the people around us:
"The people rejoiced with their victims voluntary, because with a sincere heart showed generosity in gifts to the Lord David the king also rejoiced greatly" (1 Chronicles 29:9 )
Remember one thing: no gift is important, but this is what attitude in the heart of it folded. The gift is not just a thing / money, but our gift is also our self-denial, prayer and time for God, sometimes a lot more excess cash.
Everything we do for God with a sincere heart for God is of utmost importance.
The second one, and remember, one and the other does not neglect.
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