Thursday, May 7, 2009

1969 Ford F100 Stepside

What is safe for me to Poles?

emphasize the need for a modern, comprehensive perception of the Polish external security. It has various dimensions - both classic risk associated with the elimination of military aggression from outside, and economic, associated with the elimination of the risk of serious disruption of the national economy, the functioning of institutions, public or private property, etc. The second dimension is particularly relevant to the importance of energy security and adequate state control over strategic areas of the economy such as telecommunications. When it comes to security defined in military terms, it is essential that our membership in NATO, combined with our strategic partnership with the United States. In our national interest in the speedy completion of the construction of U.S. missile defense shield in Poland and the Czech Republic. It is an additional guarantee of the security of our country and gives an opportunity to clearly strengthen bilateral relations with the United States, based on the award of a specific guarantee. One very important element of Polish security guarantee is to actively participate in the political and military structures of NATO. Needed here is working closely Government with the President. The government should more actively seek to Polish participation in discussions on the directions of change and reform proposals in NATO. In due course it will be desirable instance of our country's initiative to prepare the plan for NATO reform. As a member of NATO should also do everything that he has kept the formula the "open door" for other countries wishing to accede to it, especially for Ukraine and Georgia, as well as the neutral European countries today.
It should be definitely follow the rule that a plan to obtain access, and then membership NATO is based solely on the will of Member States and candidate countries. Excluded must be actual acceptance to participate in the process of any country, granting him a kind of informal veto.

matter of energy security is becoming one of the most important tasks of Polish foreign policy. It is impossible not to notice that the offi cial documents for energy sector development strategy for the largest supplier of energy resources on the Polish market, namely Russia, there are references to the political importance of mining, processing and transportation of energy sources. The key issue in this context is the realization of major projects aimed at diversification of cation supply, inter alia, the Odessa-GdaƄsk, LNG terminal and the system of gas supplies from Norway. It is necessary to continue active exploration programs, project partners nication diversification among our eastern neighbors and the countries of South Caucasus and Central Asia. One of the main instruments of this policy should be to maintain the tradition of the energy summit, which began in 2007 in Krakow and continued at subsequent meetings in Vilnius and Kiev. It is important for energy security is to make this issue the subject of European Union, as well as preventing implementation of the Nord Stream pipeline. External security of the state is also a property of our citizens' confidence in the Western and Northern Territories. Neither international law nor European law, neither the Polish law does not give you any reason to question the legitimacy and sustainability of the legal status of being formed by the Polish State within the current boundaries. In 2007, the Act was passed requiring - in all cases where it was abandoned for some reason - Revealed in the registers of property rights in the Treasury and local government units. For the same should encourage all individuals. Despite the uniqueness of objective legal, as confirmed by the European Court of Human Rights, the real fact of political action is taken by some circles in Germany in order to induce the belief that in this area there is a state that requires a "remedy" in favor of German nationals. This situation can not completely ignore, even if quite ambivalent attitude towards the offi cial German agents that these practices do not formally endorse, but also refrain from their firm condemnation. Polish diplomacy has to convince the Germans and their partners as very abnormal and dangerous situation is that in most EU Member State acting influential organizations and individuals enjoying political acquiescence, and often supported by money from the public purse, whose sinister mission is to systematically challenge the legitimacy of right of property in the neighboring countries and feeding of their fellow citizens about the possibility mrzonkami "enforce" the property benefits from those countries.


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