Thursday, May 7, 2009

Salvagesalvage/ Calgary

main objectives!

as the most important goals I: Polish security in its various dimensions, including the military and energy sectors, as well as its proper status and a good political position in the European Union and other states. Developing external relations should be based on realism and fidelity to principles. Implementation of the national interest requires the rejection of klientyzmu. Polish membership in the European Union does not mean abandonment of the sovereignty of our country nor affect the supremacy of the Constitution in the legal order in force in the Republic. Made by the President's act of ratification of the Lisbon Treaty should be accompanied by the entry into force of the law "competency" in accordance with the compromise of Jurata. Advocate against the federalist tendencies and przerostom bureaucratic regulation in the EU, and for increasing its role in matters of energy security and the military. Union should be an authentic community of freedom and respect the democratic will of the peoples of Europe and its institutions can not be used for a campaign of ideological interference in matters of morality and propriety and limiting freedom of expression consistent with the Christian system of values. Enlargement of the EU towards the east should proceed without unnecessary delays. In the field of bilateral relations a priority have a partnership with the United States, relations with the five major EU countries and cooperation with EU countries in our region and Ukraine. Polish authorities must firmly respond to any instances of falsification of our country's image abroad. I will be promoted by the Poles taking up responsible positions in international organizations.

assessing the international situation of our country after 1989, you can talk about prosperity for Polish. This assessment results from comparing the current situation with our dramatic location in the past two hundred years. Polish international security borders, the withdrawal of Russian troops from our territory and the Polish accession to NATO and the European Union is undeniable successes the last two decades. Events of recent years and months, giving rise to the challenge for Polish foreign policy (the EU reform issues, missile defense, the North European Gas Pipeline, Georgia, and others), however, lie often ask powtarzanemu contention that after Polish accession to NATO and the European Union, this policy has become somewhat "satisfied" and so entered into. poststrategiczną phase in which we are no longer the necessity to make fundamental choices. Russia's attack on sovereign Georgian territory made it clear that in the Polish foreign policy and defense and security policy must take into account the ability to meet the scenarios, which until recently seemed to be very unlikely. Poland may result in an effective foreign policy if it is based on realism - rather than the naive idealism, subjectivity - instead klientyzmu, acquire real status and strong position - instead of striving to condescending treatment by the "main players" active defense Polish national interest - instead of pretending that the actions of others are with him fully consistent, proven fidelity to the rules - instead of opportunism and political correctness, activity - instead of helplessness. The primary objectives of foreign policy should be: ensuring the safety of our country, getting by Poland due to its status in the European Union, other international organizations and bilateral relations and to gain a political position which allows for participation in the shaping of the international situation in accordance with our interests. In matters of safety is essential especially in the military security and energy security. The status of Polish is an important element for both our independence, and a component for our agency. This first understood as making independent decisions without the dictates of third countries and without obtaining their consent (for example, may be, for example building on Polish territory, missile defense, or ditch the Polish Vistula Spit) and the shedding of the klientystycznej attitudes towards stronger partners. The second aspect is treatment of Polish as a full member of NATO and the EU, in particular in relations with Russia, as well as our ability to efficiently respond to any instances of defaming Polish by foreign politicians and opinion formers and the media.
The most important advantages of the international position of Polish, in addition to our membership in the EU and NATO are oases of our partnership relations with the United States, we should maintain a close relationship with the independent states located east of the European Union, increasing the importance of our position in the Union. It is also good cooperation with the European Commission, to deepen her understanding of Polish affairs in the Union.

It is necessary to restore the importance of the Polish nation as a benchmark policy and involvement in public affairs. After 1989, in the mainstream of society "pedagogy" questioned the very meaning of the term, the need for resorting to incentives arising from the affirmation of the nation and a sense of belonging to him. Unreasonably equal signs erected between this affirmation, nationalism and xenophobia. The denial of the moral claims arising out of our Nation in the past caused us harm, considering them as obsolete and dysfunctional to the new policy objectives, while seeded feelings of guilt and inferiority toward others.

Polishness contrasted Europeanism, considering that the first category belongs to the past, and the second one - for the sole determinant of modernity in our country. Reference to the discredited policies of the current value of such of national thought, the Christian Democrat-Socialist niepodległościowo and folk. Sense of belonging to the Nation as a multigenerational community experiences, values \u200b\u200band goals and was replaced by an empty axiologically Polish history is embedded off the concept of "citizenship" (an example is the reduction in the preamble to the constitution of 1997, the concept of the Polish Nation to the sum of the citizens of the Third Republic). Justification disinterested, public civil action has been sterilized with the motivation of appealing to the good of the nation and the homeland - activity Citizens had to be an abstract goal in itself. Also, the religious motivation of engagement in public affairs was not well appreciated, because the equal signs erected between it and the clericalism and intolerance. They questioned the fact the ethos of the Polish intelligentsia, treating it instrumentally and selectively. Non-functional in terms of a simplified and abstract liberalism "Europeanism" and "citizenship" appears to be important elements of this ethos, such as sympathy and solidarity with the weaker, national pride, tradition, independence (including the Home Army), recognizing the priority of culture and education on the grounds commercial.

for outdated in the era of building a society based on individual success was the ethos of Solidarity - the selfless cooperation for Polish, for patriotic reasons, people belonging to different social and professional groups. Axiological vacuum, which as a result of the above-described procedures established in the broad area of \u200b\u200bsocial communication and public action, is populated by the kind of "antykulturę", characterized vulgarity and nihilism. It was also assumed that a more important sphere of common interest to citizens of the Republic is the sphere of ludic than matters relating to the common good.

should strive to improve information and debate on substantive policy aspects and increasing the participation of citizens, who do not choose the profession of politics. After recovering the possibility of democratic determination of the Polish people about their fate after 1989, paradoxically, increased in popular culture and journalism content Poles to discourage political activity. The words "politics" and "policies" gives a pejorative tint. It suggests the image of politics as something suspect, and being niemerytorycznego, something which is not worthy of a fair and reasonable citizen, especially having a high professional qualifications. Instead of creating conditions for serious public debate around the major substantive policy challenges, it is as prestigious as the domain of fighting or even clowning. There is, of course, so that the behavior of politicians is not the situation scandalous. They should be stigmatized, but should not replace the information and refl eksji on policy aspects, which correspond to the competent sensowi this concept - as a spiritual service of the common good.


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