This situation calls for caution from both Polish and greater activity at the EU forum. All forms of Europeanisation of education policy must be consistent with the Polish national interest. At the same time, education should remain an area of \u200b\u200bnational sovereignty of Member States in which they compete with each other and freely exchange experiences. Radical opposition must wake up in particular, any attempt to introduce to the Polish curricula content in violation of our national interest and Christian heritage. Agreements with other nations and to know their achievements, and also opportunities for promotion of Polish abroad should look primarily in the bilateral relations with other countries, through youth exchanges and other forms of bilateral cooperation.
Education is a pillar of development in each country and nation. For advanced countries, it is the best investment. It is also an area with which it is possible to inculcate the younger generation of civic virtues and values \u200b\u200bof community identities. This requires that both the role of education in national development and the principle of social solidarity. Good Polish school is a school, which in modern the way forward the knowledge and skills needed in today's world, skillfully combining the didactic function of the function of teaching and caring. This school, whose aim is a comprehensive development of students, including raising them on the righteous people and good Poles, whose students safe from violence and humiliation, feeling the satisfaction of attending to her. A good school is also a school where teachers are valued and properly rewarded. The reasons for the low level of public education are many. The most important are: defective core curriculum, curricula copyright chaos, excess and low quality of textbooks, for years blithely allowed to use the name of the interests of authors and publishers. The curriculum content of education almost disappeared. The real factor programotwórczym became a new system of external examinations, undercutting the requirements and the inducement of no use for the intellectual development of young people to learn "the test". Worrying is the scale of the pathological behavior among students.
outstanding efforts of education and local government workers make in today's image of the Polish school find many positive examples. They are often the individual merit of individual communities and individuals, while the impact of established ten years ago, system solutions are generally unsatisfactory, and in many cases, even harmful. The reform has created a specific class of actors (educators, experts, officials, publishers, foundations and associations), which derive from it certain benefits and are interested in continuance of the current state. Zdeprecjonowaniu was visibly position of the teaching profession and the social prestige of the teacher - over which I regret.
Educational Experience in Poland and abroad, the concept of so-called. neutrality of education schools - the belief that its sole purpose is teaching, or transfer students with some knowledge and skills is wrong and very dangerous. You can not ignore the fact that the school introduces students to a set of social ties, affecting him for many years, and this at a time when they are developing attitudes and beliefs of man. Therefore, while not neglecting their duties of teaching, the school should also give the student model of good behavior, culture, language, kindness and tact. Although there are many schools well radzących deal with behavioral problems, you can not close our eyes to the alarming prevalence and even pathological phenomena, such as aggression and violence among children and adolescents and initiation from alcohol, drugs and nicotine in schools. In a much smaller extent than in the past co-operating teachers and parents. Since 2008, followed by a noticeable increase in pathological behaviors. The survey carried out in the 2008/2009 school year that every third student is in school, beaten up by their peers, and one in five - abused or humiliated. There is growing interest among students of initiation of nicotine, alcohol and drugs.
should not miss our will to act to eradicate the pathology of the Polish schools, continuing the course initiated the program "Zero tolerance for school violence, including the use of video surveillance and similar activities in schools. Particular attention is the educational authorities should give students a quiet study conditions disturbing other students and teachers. In cases where the pathology unit will not be mastered by milder means of education, a student presenting such difficulties should be placed in schools for young people difficult, strict discipline for cleaning and care. You should not give way before the demagogy that accompanied the fight against "school uniforms". In fact, this was a struggle not with the uniformity of school clothes, but with the idea of \u200b\u200braising the school to respect the rules of coexistence in the collectivity, solidarity with others, to identify with their community (school, local, national) - led the fight in the name of an extremely atomized vision of society, composed of individuals geared solely to compete with others. Get a
to give strongly higher level assessment of the behavior. It should be included in the average grade school, and should be a condition of student's promotion to a higher grade and graduation.
should provide a more accessible form of psychological and pedagogical support for teachers and students - this objective should be to serve the creation of parental support, students involved in the jamming and support staff.
Educational Policy should stimulate the expansion of schools of education offer. Wrong and harmful is the liberalization of the school.
Polish education system should be carried out by three goals: first
create a good educational opportunities for all young people irrespective of their place of residence and level of wealth and education of parents,
second give a good education and preparation for life in modern society,
third encourage the development of above-average talent.
I do not agree that the equal opportunities policy was implemented through a "leveling down." In addition to the transfer of scientific knowledge, the school should give the student model of good behavior, culture, language, kindness and tact. Powróćm determination to tackle the pathological behavior among students. Bring proper rank of patriotic education. Universal secondary education should provide a comprehensive education possible, corresponding to the models of "cultural science" and "computerized humanist." Get a core curriculum to organize the curriculum and to remove defects in the external examination system. Zlikwidujmy unnecessary bureaucracy in schools. Strengthen school autonomy and accountability of local government units for their maintenance. I do not agree to the transfer of public schools to private entities or the disintegration of state pedagogical supervision. We need to adapt vocational education to the needs of modern society and to promote lifelong learning. Zagwarantujmy highly significant material advancement and fair working teachers. Get a scheme to modernize the education, training and promotion of teachers. Manifestations of the Europeanisation of Polish educational policies must be consistent with our national interests, and Christian heritage.
No solution of basic problems of teachers in public schools is one of the main causes of the crisis of the Polish school, the phenomenon of negative selection to the teaching profession and the outflow of valuable personnel to other occupations. Should prepare and implement regulations to ensure the material advancement of highly qualified and reliable workers and teachers, providing empowerment, "serial" teacher in relation to the administration and students and parents.
teacher should obtain legal instruments for the enforcement of discipline in their classroom and life assurance issued by the self assessments. They should not be negotiated with the school and parents. If economic growth continues, it increases teachers' salaries in public schools should be strictly significant. In the case of teachers who hold high qualifications and achievements of the monthly salary should increase from the current state well above the national average. They should also increase significantly, relative to current levels, the minimum rate additives: function, for wychowawstwo and motivation. The structural solution to the problem of salary increases should be linked to the base amount with the rate of economic growth and inflation.
Absolute should be expected to radically streamline the way the school everyday and teaching career. The existing system, rather than motivate for better and more creative work, is a heavy burden on teachers, because it forces them to choose: either to focus on working with the student, or the formation of a stack of documents required for promotion. The current qualification procedures should be replaced by a system of state examinations, teaching and assessing the effects of work-educative-caring, organized with the participation of the school or educational institution, and the authority conducting the superintendent. Obtaining a higher degree of career should be associated with a noticeable improvement in status and wealth.
am in favor of changing the meaning the title of professor of education. Currently, it is merely honorary. Some teachers, after reaching the last real stage career, which is a certified teacher, did not take further education and training, because of the lack of incentive. For obtaining the title of professor of education should be related to the specific requirements, but also financial incentives. Waiting for change teacher training system. Currently, the main emphasis is on the narrow question of knowledge, and not trained educators. Way out is, I believe in creating a system of contracting by the state study universities, which will give graduates the fullness of preparation, teaching and pedagogical skills required to perform the role of teacher and educator.
Given the rapid development in various fields of knowledge and the enormous growth of information should ensure the development of an advisory system for teachers and their training and education.
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