am in favor of keeping the state in which the functioning of the EU is based the voluntary transfer by the Member States of their sovereign powers to the Union as an international organization, also called - were not strictly and contrary to its essence - the transnational. The transfer of powers to the Union is justified insofar and only insofar as the joint implementation of certain functions to give greater benefits to all. You can not lose sight of the issue of transparency and democratic legitimacy of decisions made in the institutions of the Union. Since there is no and will not be a European nation, which will could be appealed through the election or referendum, we need is to develop such mechanisms at EU level to take decisions on important matters that will ensure a greater impact for all citizens of the Member States through mechanisms at the level of nation states.
I'll work to preserve and maintain the key role of decision-making autonomy of the EU Council, a body composed of representatives of national governments in relation to other EU institutions. One thing the legislation of each Member State is at the same time to determine how the government's position in the Council presented the most important matters should be democratic foothold in the country. In Poland, this should be covered by the Act, the entry into force is accompanied by the President ratified the Treaty of Lisbon.
In my opinion, the current state of European integration is characterized by hypertrophy of EU regulations in areas which, without prejudice to modernity and development can be better to leave nation states, while too low a level of the Community elements in cases where a common policy will bring all members value. Such matters are questions of policy in matters of military security and defense and energy security. Here, a higher degree of integration is even desirable. Therefore, the Polish government should undertake and support initiatives to increase the importance of the Union as a security community. In terms of military security, Poland should be interested in the gradual creation of a common EU army.
with interlayers of EU regulations we are dealing especially in many matters concerning the economy. I consider it necessary to strictly respect the principle of subsidiarity in the assessment of both the existing EU legislation and draft new legislation. Under this rule, which belongs to the basic canons of the Union's constitution, the Community level can only be taken such actions, which carry over to this level allows for greater efficiency and effectiveness. I support the fact that in tandem with measures to compensate for the level of development and stimulating innovation, deregulation, went on a matter which can be left to the operation of market mechanisms and an independent national regulations.
In matters of energy security will require translating the specifics of the Treaty of Lisbon on the European energy solidarity, so that it does not remain an empty declaration. Energy security should become one of the most important issues within the competence of the EU. I support the President's initiative to convene an energy summit of the Union. The principle of a common energy policy should be diversification of energy supplies and solidarity of all Member States. Mechanisms should be established to prevent the implementation of initiatives and investments of some states, unless they agree to energy security of other member states, such as the Russian-German North European Gas Pipeline under the Baltic Sea. Poland presented an alternative draft Amber, based on the principle EU Member States' cooperation with Russia, which will be cheaper and safer than the North European Gas Pipeline.
strong negative opinion in some EU circles federalist tendencies, aiming to reduce the role of nation states. These trends we believe to be harmful not only to European nations, which sooner or later it will reject (in this respect should not be forgotten or underestimated results of the referenda in France, the Netherlands and Ireland), but also for the sustainability of the Union as such. We advocate strongly for maintaining the EU as an international organization of sovereign states uniting States - for a Europe of nation states ("Europe Homelands" which he said Charles de Gaulle). The opposite of this concept is not acceptable vision of a European superstate. Draw attention to the danger of domination by the state of the Union the largest in terms of population and economic potential. Underlying these concerns is not dislike of those countries, but the belief that such domination and particularism interests of the largest EU states clash with the idea of \u200b\u200bEuropean solidarity. As a result of the negotiated approach in the Treaty of Lisbon was maintained Polish voting weight in EU decision-making (the Nice system, then modi ed formula of Ioannina). I will strive to consolidate the gains. The European Union should be a genuine community of freedom and democracy, while respecting the sovereignty and autonomy of each state and the principle that the sovereign will of the actors are all the nations forming the EU Member States. This principle excludes any form of imposing the will of any nation in Europe, by countries or groups of countries refer to the number of its citizens. In any event, the Union can not interfere in matters relating to public morality, family law and respect physical and moral integrity. Do not take it to the tasks of the organization, though the temptation to exploit the environment by some left-liberal as an instrument of de-Christianization of Europe are very strong. Examples are attempts to abuse the EU institutions to criticize certain Member States because of alleged "homophobia" and for promoting a change in family policy incompatible with the European cultural and legal heritage and the Polish legislation. Should strongly oppose any attempt of such compromising the idea of \u200b\u200bEuropean integration, concluding alliances, aimed at blocking attempts to use EU institutions for purposes contrary to the values \u200b\u200bthat guided the founders of the European Communities. Protect our country from imposing inconsistent with our Christian heritage of legal solutions serve to join the so-called Polish. British protocol, having the character of an integral part of the Lisbon Treaty and join the Polish declaration of the said Treaty No. 61 on the interpretation of the Charter. These documents are also confirming the sovereign status of the Polish Union. We are concerned about their attempts to undermine or even dezawuowania by some ruling party politicians and left the country. I'll be all available means to defend the sustainability of those decisions that attempts to review them.
I support the freedom to proclaim in the European Union views the system compatible with Christian values \u200b\u200band teachings of the Catholic Church. There is now a serious asymmetry. Views on marriage, family, sexual ethics and human life incompatible with the Christian vision of man can be the forum of the EU institutions preached without any obstacles, and projects to promote such views are by these institutions even encouraged, as otherwise There is no justification in the light of the objectives of the Union. With a similar freedom does not enjoy the preaching of views consistent with the teachings of the Church, the Union's institutions, not only do not support their promotion, but rather tend to their stigmatization and censorship. There are reports of discrimination against adherents of Christian morality in appointments to the EU functions. This state of discrimination and unilateral restriction of freedom is unnatural and must be changed.
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