Sharper changes in the direction of broadening the scope of research took place in the eighteenth century in the field of historical knowledge were: the whole society, the history of peoples, countries and humanity in general - also taken into account in studies various aspects of human activity, such as business, culture. With just this research, the then today you can explore the ideas of integration of states and nations.
From a historical perspective breakthrough the century to an acceleration of integration processes on the European continent. Previously, however, Europe was formed as a religious community of political and cultural. There was, however, neither a single federated state, although the model for many Europeans, was the Roman Empire. On its ruins was not a single state structure, but many political actors. Socio-economic processes taking place in the Middle Ages in Europe, have conditioned the political shape of the continent. A few centuries later conceived the idea of \u200b\u200bEurope understood as historically variable, determined by internal and external threats view a vision of rules that define the functioning of the bodies of European policy in terms of maximizing the level of security on the continent and the material welfare of its residents.
term European space community, or otherwise specifying the countries of the European continent or in the rigid framework of the territorial boundaries of the area of \u200b\u200bhistorical research work in various poses problems. European space in many studies is ambiguously defined - Unable clearly define when Europe was established as a causal relationship. As the cause leading to the creation of Europe's most religious identity is given, then the political as well as some linguistic studies - frequently divided it into Latin and Greek.
Integration and the Emergence of Europe are not phenomena tożsamymi. Europe could arise as an integrated structure or shape in the form of a loose complex community. Eventually born in the latter form.
The integration of Europe, we can speak only after her birth. Previously, we had also to deal with integration, because it is undoubtedly the essence of birth, only that it was not the integration of Europe, because this is not yet born. Previously, the phenomenon occurred unification of the continent, culture, tribes, religions, etc..
Speaking of the identity of the continent, we refer to classical Greek philosophy, or, more broadly - a culture created in this period. History of Ancient Greece include the origins of Europe, like the history of Rome and Byzantium, but not to European history. The fact that Rome is going to include only the genesis of Europe, determined attitude to the concept of Europe and by the use of this term residents and then citizens of Rome, and they feel more citizens of the empire, the Romans - not the Europeans. After the fall of the Roman Empire, the territory was divided among a number of smaller states and tribes.
term Europe has not been exposed. There was also still at the beginning of our era, the political concept of Europe as a kind of a community of peoples inhabiting it. Europe's borders have not been fully defined, especially those in the east. Europe, as a term appeared sporadically in the works of Virgil, Cicero, Horace, Tacitus and the Holy texts. Augustine. Deadline for Europe at the time the power of the empire of Charles Great geographically and politically has been somewhat narrowly understood, if you relate it to the reality of the twentieth century - in fact, can be interpreted resulting from contemporary records. According to the Younger of Poitiers Isidore clashed with Saracens, and led by Charles Martel Europeans.
About Charles the Great, Nithard wrote that the emperor "permeated the whole of Europe has left his kindness," the poem Angilberta is called the "father of Europe". We do not know what the term meant then, and whether Europe was limited to the areas remaining in the hands of Charles, if it was closer to today's territorial meaning. If it was closer to our understanding there is a problem of the Iberian peninsula in what was then owned by Muslims and the Byzantine Empire, not to mention the territory of Scandinavia and the Slavs.
course, speaking about the concept of Europe can not ignore geographic basis. Europe is most often associated with the geographical outline of the continent. In Europe there is a geographical sense, since the ancient Greeks were located west of the territory they called Erebus - west. In terms of cultural, religious and political Europe was only when the elite began to have a sense of common fate. And it became so only in the late tenth and eleventh centuries.
At the turn of the eleventh century almost all the inhabitants of this area took one religion, Christianity, and a similar style of organization of socio-political life. Then formed two overlapping communities, Christian and institutional and political.
In one scepter, Charles the Great, was united people of northern Italy, France and much of today's Germany. Charlemagne was crowned emperor, which was to establish to the multinational of the Roman Empire. After the collapse of the Carolingian monarchy, have established the tradition of the Roman ruler of Germany. Created Holy Roman Empire. The Emperor acknowledged the supreme authority over the other Christian rulers, and though his influence is limited mainly to Germany and northern Italy, is the existence of the Empire was an important step in creating a pan-European identity. Especially important for us is one of the rulers of this country - Otto III. The ruler wanted to create a state-wide body was then a Christian Europe. That State was to consist of three parts: French, German and Polish, with France and Poland were to be governed by their own kings, subject only to the Emperor's sovereignty. Otto III, met in 1000 in Gniezno, the prince Boleslaw the Brave - later the first Polish king. Both rulers combined figure of Saint Adalbert, who was a friend of the ruler of Germany. Otto gave Boleslaw the Brave as a token of friendship Spear St. Moritz.
Late Middle Ages were characterized primarily trends universalist, of which the objective of developing a single European country - put the whole continent of the same order of ideological (religious). Schism in the eleventh century in the Christian Church at the dawn of the birth of Europe proved to be the first of the major barriers in the process of integration of the continent. Continuing to the east of the Roman traditions of governance, first via Constantinople, and later by Moscow claimant the right to be the "third Rome," the unmistakable autocratic governments in this part of Europe. Rebuilding the Empire in the west, after strengthening the papal authority, meant departure from the cultivated to the east euzebiańskiej structure, cezaropapieskiej to resolve oscillating around the equilibrium of both the parent division, the Empire and the Papacy, which pointed the way for new development of the West and eventually allowed the emergence of sovereign states in Western Europe. The idea of \u200b\u200bsovereignty has become a serious barrier to the unification of Europe.
Continuous Integration, the ideas of economic, political, economic, in the operation of one of the continent were initiated by the Catholic Church in the late first millennium AD through education cultural awareness, civilized Christian nations.
balance of power, characteristic of the relations governing international relations in modern times, has deepened the differences between East and West Europe. In Eastern Europe strengthened the autocracy, but the conditions were born in Western democracies. This situation determined the emergence of numerous concepts and visions unite the continent. The level of economic development and the degree of risk of being inhabitants of the continent was not large enough to these ideas may have been in modern times to materialize. Only two natural disasters, world wars in the twentieth century, with catastrophic for Europe, meant the replacement of its role in intercontinental relations, loss of position of the key players in international relations by the largest and most powerful countries of Western Europe. At the same time this state of affairs was accompanied by the birth of two serious threats to Europe, the economic power of the United States and communism in the Soviet Union, which became the stimulus for effective integration of military and economic, expressed in the form of NATO, and CS, to the creation of the late twentieth century of the Union European Union (1993).
Inefficiency political and economic system of socialism, its doctrinal limitations and the resulting inability to face the challenges of today prejudged the end of the fall of the system of real socialism in Eastern Europe, giving impetus to the further expansion of political, economic and economy of Western Europe to the countries of former Soviet bloc East.
condition the effectiveness of this process, primarily evident economic success of Western Europe. The evolution of European identity, as a form of overcoming the major barriers is a process requiring many activities and far-reaching compromises.
There are at least three planes in the history of the continent, under which ran the process: diffusion, konceptualistyczną and pragmatic. In the latter consists of forms unitarno-authoritarian and federalno-democratic. The share of the first two planes in the integration process was in effect, a third already directly to exert influence and shaped the state of cooperation unification.
mutual penetration of the broader culture, namely diffusion of foreign models, is the first of these planes and creates above all the unity of Europe. The second constitutive realm of the unification project reported over the centuries by prominent Europeans. Domination and conquest is one of the ways the third plane and accompanied Europe throughout its history, however, most completely uzewnętrzniając the late eighteenth and nineteenth centuries, and especially in the twentieth century.
Road signs comprehensive voluntary integration is a set of actions initiated after World War II, the conclusion of some kind of social contract, which results in today's European Union and other organizations supporting the integration process, such as the Council of Europe.
The plane diffusion, should be regarded as the penetration of foreign models, which was attended by thousands, then millions of inhabitants of the European continent. Plane konceptualistyczną a topic located in the sphere of political thought, including all ideas and projects presented in the unification of Europe over the centuries and reflecting the expectations of the most enlightened of its inhabitants. Late Middle Ages and modern times and modern ideas bore fruit with numerous integration. But the greatest impact on European integration has played a Catholic Church at the turn of the X and XI age of integrating religious, linguistic and institutional (including promulgating the Latin alphabet), the inhabitants of the continent.
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