"You look awful," he says before he even greets me, taking off his fur Uszatek. Black hair pours out in a split second on her shoulders.
"Because the times are horrible" answer cuddling her front door threshold, I feel the sharp wind shirt on her clothes. He finds the smell of almonds and vanilla cigarettes.
"I do not give a shit, times are always horrible," she adds, turning his back on me, helped me take off her coat. I throw the pot szluga fikus hardened up next door and I do it, then throw it on the stand near the chair. "He said that once it was better ... Once, too, so you say, you know:
"How do you do?"
"What?" She looks at me, frowning.
"That's not done yet, and already standing at attention"
smiles, pretending shyness and draws heavily smoke, sinking wzokiem the polished surfaces.
"Drink something" , burn moving into the kitchen.
"I feel like a cup of coffee."
"I asked whether something you have?" yell from the kitchen, where I'm looking for any clean container.
"There's not even noon, looking at me from behind the door frame, grinning white teeth implants perfectly dense.
"What?" Cuts pouring himself a glass of scotch on a dirty portwajnie and roll half. "I have everything from the martini vodka, provided that it is Scotch." He adds, starting from the kitchen with a dirty glass in one and a bottle in his other hand. I look in her sea-green eyes. He smiles, but I know that look I've seen it too many times already, so you do not understand.
"You've got to forgive me again," I say complementing the dish to the edge and t in a threadbare welwecie next to her.
look on in silence in a yellowed lampshade with the rest of the ceiling plaster reveals coiled iron reinforcement and listen to the sound of flushing is run behind a wall. Clatter on the walls of the pipe under water pressure. I hear the crackling of shooting her ankles clamped tight fist.
"I changed my mind," interrupted milcznie "But I guess I have to drink." Snorting laugh, I give her my glass without a word and a short while, I look at her heaving grdykę, push a fluid further towards the stomach.
"Better?" I ask.
"It has already happened, not you heard?", Corresponds to the dry, wiping his mouth moist sleeve jacket.
"Many times," I whisper in her direction and Tula tightly to his chest. "Too many, I say, pulling a cigarette from between her fingers, pulling the last waves before the filter and throw it into the empty glass standing on the table.
"Do not ask me, what You know it's true."
Sigur Ros - [Hljomalind # 02] Staralfur
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