After the tragedy that was World War II created a favorable climate for the emergence of supranational European structures. Decided by the number of factors. Crimes of the extreme nationalist ideology, which was weakened nationalism fascism in general, so it was difficult to rely on the national interests of individual states. Another factor was the military threat, economic and ideological, for the countries of Western Europe from the Soviet Union - Remember that just after World War II, European economies have been badly damaged, and communism promoted by the Soviet Union, which had a significant impact on the outcome of the war, was then a relatively popular. On the other hand, European countries still remembered his recent great-power position and did not want to be only a protectorate of the United States - hence only by joining forces can give a power comparable to the then two superpowers.
In Western Europe, especially France and Britain, were vivid nostalgia for the days colonial, when these countries decided the fate of the world. However, the loss of sales market in former colonies has forced these countries to seek other solutions that can enliven their economies. The first concrete ideas for the international unification of European countries were born during the war. As an example, one can identify a project of the Polish-Czechoslovak federation, which was born in among the independent governments of both countries held in London, which was a supporter of General Wladyslaw Sikorski.
The need to create some form of cooperation between France and Germany also mentioned Winston Churchill. It was Prime Minister of Great Britain gave the first signal to the construction of a united Europe. In his speech, delivered at the University of Zurich, 19 September 1946 switched its vision of 'United States of Europe ". Churchill wanted to form a union, which would form the backbone of France and Germany, and which would remain open for the rest of the continent.
Map of the founder countries of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC: Belgium, France, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Germany, Italy).
After the uprising CS and failures associated with attempts to create an organization of political cooperation, Western European countries have decided to focus on strengthening economic integration. The main actions taken to strengthen the trade links and trade liberalization between countries. During these activities it became clear that it will be necessary to establish a customs union.
a result of these efforts, on 25 March 1957 was signed in Rome Treaty establishing the European Economic Community (EEC), popularly known as the Common Market and the Treaty establishing the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom).
Despite deepening the relations between the countries of Western Europe and connecting different sectors of the economy, did not cease to try to create an organization that would be based on political cooperation. The mere economic union was not a sufficient counterweight to the Eastern European bloc countries and in particular the Soviet Union, as well as did not provide full stabilization in the region, whose aim was to prevent war.
At the conference of foreign ministers in Messina 1 June 1955 he decided to take action to create a common market and harmonization of social policy. The effect of the conference was a report prepared by an expert committee under the chairmanship of Foreign Minister Paul Henri Spaak of Belgium. Expectations of what the report concluded, served to further talks. After few meetings of foreign ministers and heads of government on 25 March 1957 in Rome, forming the state set up the ECSC under two separate agreements - the so-called. Treaties of Rome - European Economic Community (EEC) and the European Atomic Energy Community (Euratom). They entered into force on 1 January 1958. Both treaties concluded for an indefinite period.
Treaties of Rome, so that was a united Europe, signed in March 1957 after lengthy litigation. To their particular contributed to push the Belgian Foreign Minister Henri Spaak mortars. It was not so much about economic issues, which primarily Germany and the permanent subjugation to the West, and to stop France from the individual plans.
The idea was bold, because the players union were six: Belgium, France, Netherlands, Luxembourg, Germany and Italy. United did not sign the Treaty Britain, island custom, standing to one side. Also not signed the treaty Spain inherent in the system of the dictatorship of Franco, and Greece - the cradle of European democracy.
European Economic Community was created as an international organization within the European continent, to which all could join the "European countries adhere to human rights, respecting the principles of democracy and the rules governing the market economy."
literally at the last moment the German chancellor, Konrad Adenauer, managed to escape from the abyss, called the Communist bloc, "his" piece. For the EEC Treaty was entered, that trade between the eastern and western zones remain intra-German border zone and will not happen automatically overseas duty. Germany also managed to convince members of the EEC, that in Berlin a special declaration to promise help.
When the Treaties of Rome was signed on the same day was Euratom. It was preceded twenty-two months difficult negotiations, doubts and phrases. In 1955 the French Parliament buried the European Defense Community, as it too quickly - Ten years after the end of World War II led to the surrender barely recovered military and military sovereignty.
In concluding the Treaty of Rome helped the Suez crisis and the bloody suppression of the uprising in Budapest, uprzytamniające how real was the threat from the Soviet Union.
realization of the common market of the Member States of the EEC were divided on the twelve-year transitional period of four years divided into three stages. Each step could be shortened or extended, but including the transitional period could not exceed fifteen years.
Since the entry into force of the Treaty establishing the EEC, European integration began to record significant successes. In 1968, the Member States to establish a customs union for industrial goods, and in the years 1962 to 1968 effectively incorporated the principles of the common agricultural policy. Since January 1970 they began to apply the common commercial policy.
In the late sixties and seventies, the EEC countries have started actions to enhance the integration of new areas. Green light in this direction have given decisions Summit of Heads of State and Government of the EEC, which was held in The Hague in December 1969. Concern was then agreed to start work on the establishment of economic and monetary union and the development of European Political Cooperation. At the next meeting of the leaders of the EEC and the heads of government in Paris in 1972, was agreed a further objective of integration. This goal has become to try to establish a European Union of the overall relations between the Member States.
raw material and energy crisis of 1973 and 1979 led to the suppression of European integration. Member States of the EEC were more interested in repairing tired of the economic slump of the economy and fight unemployment than making joint integration initiatives. In addition to the customs union, established in 1968, was not built in a planned common market during the transitional period specified in the Treaty of Rome.
Only half of the eighties brought the debate over the need for change within the EEC, to broaden and deepen integration and establishment of the european union. It was also the perfect time to accelerate work on the investigation into the common market. In January 1985, then President of the EEC Commission, Jacques Delors, in a speech to the European Parliament has proposed to build a common market by the end of 1992. In June 1985 the EEC Commission published a White Paper presenting in the nearly 300 legislative proposals that member states should adopt in order to establish a common market and remove barriers to trade within the EEC.
In order to conduct the debate on the mentioned problems and to revise the Treaty of Rome was convened at the Intergovernmental Conference. Began its deliberations in September 1985, and ended with the adoption of a document called the Single European Act. It was signed on 17 February 1986 in Luxembourg by a majority of member states. Among the countries that have not made that day, their signatures, were Denmark, Greece and Italy. The Danes held a referendum for the adoption of SEA, Greece and Italy with their signature and decided to await the outcome of the referendum in Denmark. Finally, on 28 February 1986 in The Hague, the three countries signed the SEA. The document came into force on 1 July 1987 and was an international agreement which modified the original text of the Treaty establishing the EEC.
JAE gave a greater pace of European integration. The realization of the common market accelerated undertaken since the late sixties and seventies, works towards the establishment of economic and monetary union. According to the theory Integration - the single internal market precedes the economic and monetary union, which in turn positively affects the smooth functioning and the elimination of currency transaction costs. Economic and monetary union, to which Member States have agreed at the Madrid summit in June 1989, forced changes to the treaty in order to make the necessary legal basis. In addition, adopting a new treaty dictated by the political situation in which they were the Member States. The disintegration of the Eastern bloc, the fall of the Berlin Wall and the reunification of Germany on 3 October 1990 gave birth to adjust to the new international situation and deepening cooperation on foreign policy.
still making political transformation, economic and social consequences leads to a decisive move away from theory and practice of the previous (socialist). In the process of change creates an open society, based on market economy and pluralism, as evidenced by the accession countries of Central Europe - the former Eastern bloc - to the European Union in 2004.
Facing the challenges stemming from the integration of the three Member States have decided to hold a two intergovernmental conferences. One - on economic and monetary union, while the second - on a political union. Both conferences have started their work in Rome in December 1990. Their conclusion led to the signing of 7 February 1992 in Maastricht, the Netherlands, the Treaty on European Union, commonly known as the Maastricht Treaty. Because of the problems which occurred during the process of ratifying the treaty entered into force until 1 November 1993.
The European Union emerged from the three organizations of an economic nature, which have been created by the countries of Western Europe.
Maastricht Treaty established the first European Union, thus crowning the efforts made since 1972. The European Union is built upon the three European Communities (and not instead of them) and new forms of cooperation established in the Maastricht Treaty - the EEC was renamed the European Community, because this community with its range included not only economic matters.
accordance with Article. B of the Maastricht Treaty, the EU's objectives are to promote economic progress and social development through the creation of the area without internal frontiers and the creation of economic and monetary union, possibly having a single currency, ensuring its identity on the international scene, through the establishment of a common foreign and security policy, only with the target to establish a common defense policy, strengthening the protection of the rights and interests of nationals of Member States by establishing the citizenship of the European Union, to develop close cooperation on justice and home affairs, to maintain in full of the acquis, called. acquis communautaire.
Maastricht Treaty strengthened its collaboration initiated by the SEA in the fields of economic and social cohesion as well as in research and environmental protection. In addition, through the adoption of the Treaty establishing the European Union Member States to extend integration to other areas of life, m et al.: Building a European infrastructure, whose main goal is to create infrastructure in the trans-European transport and energy fields, with specific regard to the central regions of the islands, countries without access to the sea and the outermost regions protection of public health by implementing policies and programs in preventing disease and their research into the causes of their formation and transfer in cooperation in culture, whose main purpose is the advancement of knowledge and mutual promoting the culture of European nations, consumer protection, by harmonizing the legislation of the Member States, the protection of civil rights through the establishment of the institution of the Ombudsman, whose main task is to receive complaints from citizens of the Member States relating to improper functioning of the institutions of the European Union.
Maastricht agreement with the European Community combined, adding to the activities of the Union, several new issues, among others.: Social policy, policy on education, youth education, culture, health, consumer protection, trans-European networks and industry.
Even before the entry into force of the amendments contained in the Amsterdam Treaty of 1997, it became clear that the reform of the EU lagging behind the needs and directions of the evolution of the Union. The unequivocal way confirmed this Article. 2 Seventh Protocol of the bodies due to the enlargement of the EU. Under that provision, the Contracting Parties have agreed as to the fact that "at least one year prior to the time when the number of Member States exceeds the number 20, the conference will be convened representatives of the Governments of the Member States in order to check the overall composition and method of operation bodies. " This provision was included in the EU Treaty and the Treaty establishing the European Communities.
Amsterdam Treaty did not meet all the expectations that are associated with it, do not reform the EU institutions in so far as expected. Only at the European Council meeting in Nice, ending 11 December 2000, the Heads of State and Government of EU member states have made amendments to the Treaty on European Union, which mainly relates to the EU institutions.
26 February 2001 in Nice, the foreign ministers of the Fifteen sign the Treaty of Nice amending the Treaty on European Union, the Treaties establishing the European Communities and certain related acts - the Nice Treaty came into force on 1 February 2003.
The Treaty of Nice included four protocols: Protocol on the enlargement of the European Union, the Protocol on the Statute of the Court of Justice, the Protocol on the financial implications of the expiry of the ECSC and the Research Fund for Coal and Steel Community, the Protocol on the Articles. 67 of the Treaty establishing the European Community.
Nice Treaty has been constructed so that we can reform the EU so that it can function properly after enlargement and the adoption of the next ten - the countries of Central and Southern Europe. The work on the Nice Treaty were involved government delegations as well as fifteen of those candidates, though the treaty was initialed by only fifteen countries.
Entry into force of the Treaty of Nice for a while it became a question mark because, in a referendum conducted June 7, 2001 in Ireland, most, as much as 54% of voters voted against ratification of the Treaty of Nicea. The referendum, however, was repeated on Oct. 19, 2002 year, and this time the majority of was in favor of ratification.
Nice Treaty introduced a new provision. The European Commission on the next term is composed of an equal number of commissioners of the member countries (1 country = 1 commissioner). Only when the EU will be comprised of at least 27 members, the number of commissioners will be less than the number of members, while commissioners are elected by based on the principle of equal rotation system. Strengthening the position of the European Commission president - he may specify the division of powers between the commissioners, appointed vice-presidents, and the entire Commission shall act in his political management. Widening the scope of qualified majority voting in the EU Council of 28 consecutive fields (including the election of the President of the Commission). The introduction of new rules for qualified majority voting in the Council. Individual countries weighted votes allocated a bit more in proportion to their size, but still such as Germany (82 million) are to have the same number of votes (29), which numbering approximately 60 million inhabitants in France, Britain and Italy. Initially assigned
also votes for the candidate countries. Poland received 27 votes, the same as that of Spain and a little less the largest countries. These provisions have only the status of the declaration, however, were confirmed by the Treaty of Athens. Following the extension of the EP consisted of 732 deputies. This number had to be increased after future enlargements. Provided, so the place for Romania and Bulgaria, and Poland has been granted 50 seats, but due to the accession of these countries is not their place have been temporarily taken over by other countries. Thus, Poland had in the 2004-2009 legislative period, 54 deputies in the EP. Currently, the legislative period 2009-2014 has 50 members, but after the entry into force of the Treaty of Lisbon, Poland will have 51 MEPs - additional elections will be chosen one more MEP.
accordance with the provisions of the Treaty of Nice was also carried out the reform of the judiciary - creating trójinstancyjnego judicial system. The Court of First Instance took the nature of the independent Community body, and the SPI can be created Judicial Board ruling on specific cases in the first instance. Since the decisions of the judicial remedy is used to SPI.
text Author: Paul Kowszyński . The text of the self-developed on the basis of the following sources: first
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