Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Calves Swollen & Tight

a publicity

Apostle Paul spoke and wrote a lot about the fundamental truths of God (doctrines, if you will) and life (ie moved moral issues). In many cases, those of his views provoked controversy, and the reason for this was the content that directly touches the human conscience. Thus, ap. Paul became quite politically incorrect, because instead of writing an official letter to a church, in which głaskałby its members, he primarily makes them remorse for their evil and reprehensible behavior. Today we're staring at the ap. Paul, as in the picture, but with his days, he was not a 'guru', was counted among the "Twelve", but too much on a pedestal of glory it is not set, the more that exposed himself to many illustrious members of forming a church. Paul was not interested in human interest, but of God. He did not live under the dictation of men but God, and if we had to make enemies by writing a few words of truth to them, it did so without hesitation. Do not feel that the full power over them, but in a spirit of humility touched every sphere of life, if just thought that it is tainted with sin.
"So do I now persuade men or God?" Do I seek to please men? "If I were still people wanted to ingratiate himself, I would not be a servant of Christ" (Galatians 1:10 )
In the case of a letter to the Galatians Paul virtually from the beginning puts a big question mark as to the faith of the Galatians, who first accepted Christ, and now depart from the faith and can be fooled by a new, human attitudes. Paul explains that he has no intention at the expense of the truth of the Gospel, to keep good relations with them, so do not write a letter to them like it, but it teaches "coffee on the table" for what will certainly become an embarrassment to the Galatians prominent, but his deed pleasing to God.

not only a Christian can put up to Christians telling them the truth, but also not a believer (and perhaps even primarily?). The Gospel is the proclamation that Christ died for man and gives him a chance at eternal life. But to achieve this life should be regarded himself as a sinner, admit their mistakes, weaknesses and other defects. Not everyone is ready to hear that he is a sinner, and awards will not receive eternal life if they do not change ....
"while our advocacy does not come from error or impure motives of, or with malice, but as we have been approved by God to be entrusted with the gospel to us, as we speak, not to please men but God who examines our hearts. we never we used flattery in speech - as you know - nor were guided by a hidden greed, God is witness, not seeking glory or among human you, nor among the others. " (1 Thessalonians 2:3-6 )
Gospel is not only grace, mercy, love, love, joy, joy, happiness, happiness ... It's also hard work themselves, suffering for Christ, sacrifices and often pain. The Gospel tells us how to live and what we need to constantly change, and how intensively work on themselves. Regardless of whether it is politically correct or not, you should tell the truth: how you live - and how should live.

advocacy is hard art, and skillful to do it requires first and foremost prayer. No less, if we are afraid to open my mouth to anyone about the bad we did not think I need to have contacts in general .... is guilty of sin, we are our brother - in some sense. And if you, our friends do not want to even try to explain their error (world) is also the attitude we can not count on is that we meet God's message.
"You, son of man, have appointed watchman for the house of Israel after that you hear from my mouth warned Reminder them on my behalf. If I say to the wicked: wicked must die - and you do not speak to the wicked from his way - he shall die in his iniquity, but the responsibility for his death blame you. But if you warn the wicked to depart from his way and turned back, but he is not from his way, he shall die in his own fault, but you you saved my soul. " (Ez 33:7-9 )
Cool is to have a lot of contacts on Facebook and maintain a great relationship with everybody. But whether these friendships are to some extent equivalent to welcomed by God?


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