"It is no longer I who live but Christ lives in me. I still life in the flesh, but the product I live by faith in the Son of God, who loved me and gave himself for me" (Gal. 2:20 )
Paul all his life subservient will of him who stood his way to Damascus. It is not easy, as in Paul's time and ours. Simple arithmetic: how many hours per week spend on duties (school / work / home), where the pleasure (hobbies / social activities / comp), how much time we give to others (family / friends / relatives), how much time we give to God (the church / personal relationship with God / waiting another)? There is no way any of these questions. I'm not saying one is good, the other is wrong. I note only the proportions, are you sure they are preserved, because there is no doubt that some things are more important than others. Paul decided to to devote his career, friends, personal life and the rest for a single idea: the gospel. Christ gave his life fully, not only to a certain extent. It could be the ideal.
Nevertheless, Paul looks at his life in real terms: in order, I gave my life to Christ, but there is another side of the coin - my sinfulness. And if he writes about his devotion to Christ, it says too, that is second nature, which in no way can tame:
"do not do the good I want, but I do the evil which I would not. And if I do what I do not want to, no longer I that do it, but sin that dwelleth in me. So I consider myself right in that when I want to do good, evil dictates to me, " (Romans 7:19-21 )
Paul looks at himself realistically, there are some habits, weakness of character and body, which Paul no control. It's hard to tell us what it is, but how would anyone pondered over his life, it's something you can be presumed. not something that suggests ...
, he writes, pleasant it is God's law, but also the weakness of flesh torn. This apostle was certainly aware of his mission, he knew what God does work in it. That said, not looking for excuses. Is the service - and it is to be meet perfectly, but it is also something as everyday life - and it also does not have to be our detriment. You might want to sit down and honestly reflect on their lives. Normally - that is, when you actually sincerely - reflect about their own lives to these conclusions are not the best, and leads to a slight 'feeling down' (excuse the vernacular) in us the same. Paul also sad for myself. However, in Christianity it is so that, in such moments, comes to help us by Christ and by word of sorrow, Paul writes a word of hope:
"wretched man that I am! Who will deliver me from the body, [which leads to] the death ? Thanks be to God through Jesus Christ our Lord! " (Rom 7:24 )
's stop the magic and internally justified. Let's call a spade a spade, and that honesty should come before God. If we know that there is sin in us - even though most embarrassing - say about God directly. He will know what we have in our hearts and what our life is, and the attitude of sincerity is nothing but an admission of its weaknesses and position of trust in God. Full confidence. Let him that is in us split the sphere of physical and mental is not the reason for indulging the flesh, but driven to a closer relationship with God. Because it's obvious truth that we are partly spiritual and partly we are carnal:
"So the mind I serve the law of God, and the body - the law of sin." (Rom 7:25 )
"Therefore it is not crushed, but because man is decaying, our view, however, is that which is inward is renewed day by day." (2 Corinthians 4:16 )
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