"W Sabbath we went outside the gate to the river, where - as we thought - was a place of prayer. I sat talking with women who are last. We also listened to a "fear of God" from the city of Thyatira woman named Lydia, who sold purple. the Lord opened her heart, so that attentively listened to the words of Paul. When I was baptized along with his home, asked us: If you think me faithful to the Lord - she said - it's come to my house and live in it! And she prevailed on us. " (Acts 16:13-15 )The Sabbath Paul with his companions went to where Jewish women were focused on the prayers.'s Hard to say how many there were, but only one person with distinguished by the small crowds. Well, "standing out" and was rewarded by God? After all, we read that the Lord opened her heart to the message Gospel. The truth is that Jesus can only come one who is by God "pulled" (appointed / elected):
"No one can come to me if it is the Father who sent me, I will raise him on the last day. " (Jn 6:44 )
Is this choice is the "whim of God"? Note that Lydia was characterized by a trait of character: she was afraid of God. God calls, it's true, but not everyone is worthy of the vocation or simply not everyone wants to be called ... Hard I judge others and say why they are or are not called. It's not my competence. We can infer from this only that he saw God in her heart the zeal, sincerity and simplicity - a man who, among other things characterized by these features may become the recipient of the message of the gospel, because it appreciates what he hears, and God's grace that goes with it. Lydia wanted to be a good man, obedient to God, they needed only to Christ as his Savior, and God gave it him.
But whether it was actually worthy? Do not judge us! No less can we read that after her conversion, she lived in the spirit of Christianity, and when ap. Paul just got out of jail is taking its first steps came no where else but home, Lydia. That's not all! Being with her, but found the owner of the house and other brothers who prayed for Paul, therefore we can say that Lydia użyczała his house as the nucleus of the church in his hometown:
After that, what was the man every day if her house was a church, and ap. Paul went straight to her, if need accommodation? Logically thinking had to be open to other people, and even more on the brothers, who always provided a happy night. Does such a man is worthy of "the gospel of Christ"?"And they came out of prison, joined the Lydia, saw the brothers, comforted them and departed. " ( Acts 16:40 )
There is never a destination. It is we ourselves decide what kind you want to be - we suwerenami our lives! Depending on what decisions we will take, God will decide whether "open our hearts so that we are closely [we] listen to the words of Paul ".
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