However, such revolutions, large and small are for Christians, a clear signal as to the imminent fulfillment of many prophecies of the time talking about "the End of the World." For the full picture: I do not believe in those fairy tales that say that the 21st December 2012 will be 'the end of the story' because Nostradamus said so if other Mayan priest did something or not do ... We say about something that is real and true: the Word of God.
"Ye shall hear of wars and rumors of wars, be careful, do not be afraid of it. This needs to happen, but it's not done yet! For nation shall rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. Shall be famines, and pestilences, and earthquakes in various places . But all this is only the beginning of sorrows. " (Mt 24:6-8 )
Apparently no big deal, because the war was always difficult to find that these 24 hours, which would not have been any shot. After all, what we see and hear in the media, is for us a realizing that maybe in the not to distant future, actually these prophecies come true. However, it should read them carefully: the war is not a sign marks only the beginning: But all this is only the beginning of sorrows. therefore in no way deceive you should give this bold revelations that it was crap the whole end, and this prophecy is not covered because it is delayed by theologians for centuries. Perhaps, God moves in a time certain events, I do not know this, but I know that time plays in our favor:
"No delays in fulfilling the promise you - because some people are convinced that the Lord tarries - but He is patient with you. Because I do not want to lose some, but all should reach repentance. " (2 Peter 3:9 )
Revolutions, wars and conflicts come and go. Who of us remembers the" Orange Revolution "or the" Revolution of Roses ", or war Russian-Georgian? Media trąbiły this loud, but no longer. We should note the fact that such events took place just a few years earlier. Now they are back and on a much greater scale. Generally, all these revolutions are determined in the same way: anti-government protests, the socio-political in Egypt against the bad economic situation, unemployment, corruption, civil liberties and limiting long-term governments President Husni Mubarak. It's a coincidence that the "Wikileaks" messages appeared between the U.S. and Tunisia, which led to riots? It's a coincidence that the spirit of the revolution passed to other Islamic countries? This is the case that it is the Islamic countries are the largest producers of oil? Is it wrong to assume that the crisis in these countries is already reflected in broad echoed around the world, because each of us must pour fuel for cars? It's all interrelated, and believers should be the sobriety of mind in this look, because we know that these are not coincidences.
"And when these things begin, stand erect and raise your heads because your redemption." (Luke 21:28 )
None of us knows where this will lead us. Is the war in Libya will start the Third World War? Already so many said, when the U.S. invaded Iraq. I do not want to sow some panic or go paranoid, who is playing the prophet says, when, where and what ... After the Earth has meant many of the speakers will be the end of the world. For a lot of good it did not provide a sufficient read carefully:
"(...) not for you to know times or seasons which the Father has fixed by his own authority " (Acts 1:7 )
why I think it is absurd to continual overstressing the end of specific dates. Kingdom of God is near, and it is not in any way to challenge, but events which are place in the world is a signal for us to be ever czujniejszymi:
"You also must be ready, because at an hour you guessed it, the Son of man cometh" (Luke 12:40 )
After the wars in Libya, Yemen and Syria, probably will come other more 'media', maybe even closer to us. But there will be a day when war will last, implying that many people will no longer be waiting for Christ, since they will already be tired of oppression. If both survive these times, it is important that we do not fall asleep, but vigilant and that the triumph of Christ was not a surprise to us. And when this happens, why not our thing, we as faithful servants have to keep watch. Just watch ...
"Watch therefore, for you know neither the day nor hour" ( Mt 25:13)
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