Thursday, April 14, 2011

Lorena Herrera

King David, and a lesson in humility

Last I looked at David. King David is a person who, by 100 examples taken from the Bible appears in the 40th Much can be learned from David, from decades to say about him and how to persuade the Sermon on the sermon, it's still not enough.

David was a very humble man, and it can be inferred from anything else but a change that took place in his life: the humiliated son 'promoted' to the servant at the royal court. The family home was regarded as nothing among the brothers had no discretion, but God exalted him, and served at the court of King Saul. He had reason to now repay his family and with a vengeance! Did not. Not for a while, has not shown that he is better now, zacniejszy that they were wrong ... Continue in a spirit of humility at all times.

Humility is an important feature, needed to develop in ourselves. Through humility, we express our respect for others, and above all to God. God is looking at us humble delight in us. Haughty people who like to mark your ego can not count on the favor of God:
"Thus saith the high and lofty, whose capital is eternal, and the name of the Holy Dwell in a place built and holy, but I am contrite and humble man to revive the spirit of the humble and revive the heart of the contrite " (Isaiah 57:15 )
I know what writes about the subject in my edition which is not well enough used. Also, my experience of life here can not serve as a glorious example. On the other hand we realize that our lives are in the sphere which God's point of view should be better developed. Yes, they should be ... The Apostle Paul pointed out in his letter, an interesting fact:

"Therefore, Consider, my brethren, your call! Not many were wise by human standards, not many mighty, not many were of noble birth. God chose what is foolish in the world to shame the wise, chose what the weak to shame the strong, and what is not nobly born, and despised by the world, and what is not, he distinguished God that what is destroyed, so that no human being might boast before God " (1 Corinthians 1:26-29 )
Why God's call is directed only to " poor and despised, " ? It is not directed only to those people, but only those people responded. Only those who are humble are able to respond to God's message, since taking the Gospel to those who need to be ready for two important changes in your life: embracing equally abundant blessings and abundant experiences. While the first is not too big a problem, the latter has such a tad more cumbersome it is for humans. And so the world has been constructed, that those who are experienced through the life (read: "poor and despised" ) are humble people, since his humiliation 'trained' for years. Jesus also spoke only with those who were in Israel, despised by the general public: the sinners and tax collectors. Not because it was selective in his teaching and had such a whim, but because only these people were willing to accept an admonition.

God expects that will change your life, that we show him to obey, it is synonymous with sacrifice: for some, these are big issues for the other small. Everyone has their own sacrifices. My problem is computer games, or rather lack of them. Games are generally very nice and relaxing - I am talking about specific genres and titles. I really like me a series of 'Total War': Medieval and Rome. There are not too much violence, and certainly not in the release as 'Call of Duty' or 'Counter Strike'. I'd be happy to TW pograƂ, but in my conscience, I can not, and it is a matter of time. As I sat I could play all day and night. He devoted time to play me, and I did not devote it to some useful (not necessarily immediately purely spiritual) matters. The whole topic is crashing is not a game, just about the time that her sacrifice. Do not know if it's an example worth publishing, because as I look at it the other sacrifices that my 'Mr. Pikus', but each us has his life and his "Small and Big Issues."

course, examples of talking about leaving the drug addictions, alcohol and nicotine are much zacniejsze than a stupid game, no less before the reader laugh at me, know that each of us has the upper and lower case, which should settle before God and should not be any We underestimated. Because humility practiced in stages: first, are things funny, but over the years are becoming a greater and then often weigh our fate 'to be or not be true Christianity. " And there is no ounce of przesadyzmu - I personally feel.

Humility is for me all the time about trying, so much you I ask you in the comments to share their experiences and thoughts in this thread. If they would be too personal, just use my email: Thanks in advance, for your reflections: the little and big :-).


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