Ziemiec and Przemyslaw Chris Womack in action "I am not ashamed of Jesus"
Today Jesus is not on top, so no one admits to it. Stars of the screen, seeing that on his person does not have to demand it do not hurry, so the vicious circle closes. The following two videos, show people are well known and respected, journalists, TVP with merit who without hesitation say that they are not ashamed of his Lord and Master Jesus Christ. As far as I can have a different view as to the shares carry a fairly famous has key fob, or do not agree with certain phrases, which you gentlemen are saying, so far I am delighted that such well-known characters, with no resistance as they say in a personal way about their faith. All this share goes down for me on the back burner when I see these videos and listen to the words that are spoken. The spirit of these statements is wonderful, would any of us with the same attitude (or more) said that Christ is his Lord.
more about the action in which these gentlemen are involved:
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